JD, Rhett, and Andy were all starting to drink;
The Ale House cups got filled by Erin with care,
In hopes that no more goalies soon would be there;
Gracie, the little pucker, was nestled all snug in her bed,
Whiles visions of game winning goals danced in her head.
And Rose with her cocoa and I with my rolled hat,
Had just settled down for a phat winters nap.
When across the fairgrounds there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bench to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a puck,
Tore open the gate and shouted "What the heck".
The moon shone on the ice and goons in the snow,
It was a picture of hockey with all objects in tow.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a black zamboni sleigh and eight fat white tail deer,
With a crippled driver, so lively and hammy,
I knew in a moment it must be Rachel on the Zammi.
Faster n Marty, her giant leg brace it came,
As she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
“On Alan! On Walt! Hey Uno and Jerry! On Zach! On Max! Wheres Weeda? and Hey Mary!
To the top of boards! To the top of the wall!
Now skate away! Skate away! Skate away all!”
Thousands of new pucks fell from Rachel's sleigh it started to fly,
She soared over the ice and into the sky.
So up to the rink top courses they flew,
With the sleigh full of score books, sticks, oh, and the rink phone too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard by the main gate,
The prancing and prowling of little elf skates.
So I drew in my goal glove, and was turning around,
When down the chimney she came with a bound!
She was dressed in EMT gear from her head down to her cane,
And her jersey was all tarnished with blood and smoke stains;
A pair of new skates she had flung on her back,
For the Dominican Daddy as she opened her pack.
A wink of her eye and a twist of her mug,
She spilled some of her eggnog on Euchie my dog;
She spoke not a word, but went straight to her task,
And slarfed down the milk and cookies quite fast.
Now laying her glove side finger against her pink nose,
She gave a big huff and up the rink chimney she rose;
She sprang to her black Zamboni Sleigh, to her team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like a puck or a missile.
I heard her yell as she Zammed out of sight,
A Hockey Christmas to all, and to all... a good-hockey-night.
Haha! I just realized I commented on your blog using your name T-Jay...sorry...anyway...this is a lot of fun to read....you are a creative genius.... I love you.